Donation Campaign Launched
We are officially calling for donations: The school in Tsarahitra is bursting at the seams and urgently needs new classrooms.
October 2024
Donation for School Supplies
The Lions Club Norderstedt NEO e.V. charity has generously supported the children in Tsarahitra with a donation for essential school supplies.
SEptember 2024
We found water!
After 20 meters of digging, we finally found water! Now, the construction of the well can continue. We will keep you posted!
JULY 2024
Construction work in full swing
Drilling work in Tsarahitra is progressing and the depth of the hole is already around 10 meters. The water is reached at a depth of about 24 meters.
JULY 2024
Vaccinations in medical centers
Since January, 730 vaccine doses have been distributed in Ambodimanga. In Antsahabe there are 940 cans, in Namohana 1792.
JUNE 2024
“Yes” to water supply
Thanks to you, we managed to donate around 12,000 euros for the water project in Tsarahitra. The work begins now.
MARCH 2024
More projects in Tsarahitra
In addition to the water supply, the expansion of the classrooms is also a project. In addition, a basketball court is to be built, which is important for physical education. A temporary space is currently being used.
MARCH 2024
A school without water supply
Water supply: There is a heartfelt desire in the middle school in Tsarahitra to improve water supply and sanitation measures. The estimated cost of this important project is 12,144.33 euros. We need your donation!
MARCH 2024
Planifolia donates to school
Vanilla exporter Planifolia donates to the Solar Kits project, which ensures computer access and lighting at the school in Tsarahitra. In addition, medical supplies including 4 mattresses, 4 tables, 1 desk and 1 chair are provided for school.
All work in Namohana completed
All work has been completed, water installations and water connections have been installed. Thanks to your donations, the project was finally completed and operations in the hospital are significantly improved.
Solar, water and electricity in Namohana
The main work on the construction of the water tower, wash house and fountain has been completed. The contractor makes ironwork such as the cover for the well, the stairs for the water tower and the metal frames for attaching the solar panels.
Polio vaccination in Namohana
Our Namohana Medical Center was selected to take part in the polio vaccination drive in Antalaha district. The pharmacy gave 7,870 doses to children aged 0 to 15 years.
Donations for small projects in Namohana
In order for the infirmary to function properly, further donations were required. The projects are: Electric pump with solar and installation, electricity by solar and installation, water reservoir and water tower.
Help Mada goes Liquid Garden
At a press event in the Hamburg cocktail bar Liquid Garden, several drinks with Malagasy ingredients were included on the menu. Help Mada received special attention.
Completion of our medical center project
We were personally present at the inauguration in Namohana and can report that our project was successfully completed. Thank you for your support!
JULY 2023
New Help Mada members
Our non-profit organization has grown. Shirin Thiel will support us in PR and marketing in the future.
JULY 2023
New partner: Vögele Ingredients
The company Vögele Ingredients supports our 10x5 plan. The next steps for the new project will be discussed in Madagascar in mid-August.
JULY 2023
New partner: Stockmeier Food
The Stockmeier Food company has promised us its support through our 10x5 plan. We are getting closer to the start of our school project.
May 2023
Our 10 x 5 plan
We are looking for 10 companies that will support us with 5,000 euros per year in order to implement an annual infirmary or school project. You benefit too. Are you in?
APRIL 2023
Donation from Planifolia Ltd.
Our project in Namohana is slowly coming to an end. The infirmary, which will be inaugurated soon, has running costs. Planifolia's donation of 18,000 Euros is intended to cover these.
APRIL 2023
Inauguration Namohana
The date for our next trip is fixed! In August 2023, two of our members will fly to the inauguration of the infirmary in Namohana. Of course we record all activities for you.
January 2023
New partner: FREY + LAU
The company FREY + LAU has promised us its support in the form of three generous donations. As a result, the expansion of our school project can possibly start quickly.
January 2023
We need donations for a new project
In Tsarahitra, one of our school projects is already successful. Already 265 children have access to education, but the school is growing and new classrooms are needed.
January 2023
A lot of progress in Namohana
Our project in Namohana is in full swing. People are very motivated to finish the infirmary as soon as possible. Stone by stone, there is incredible progress.
December 2022
First cornerstone has been layed
With your recent generous donations, we were able to lay the first foundation for the medical station in Namohana! Probably the best Christmas present you can give the people of Namohana. Thank you very much!
November 2022
New medical equipment
The new medical equipment that was needed has arrived in Ambodimanga. First aid can now be continued in our pharmacy in Ambodimanga with the help of your donations.
November 2022
Repaired water pump
The technician who repaired the water supply system was able to fix the broken water pump in Ambodimanga thanks to your donations. The Mayor of Ambinanifaho Rural Municipality was present as well.
Namohana can finally start!
We finally have collected enough donations so that the infirmary project in Namohana can start. The donations were transferred from our side to Help Mada Madagascar.
Good ice cream for a good cause
With the start of sales of ice cream cups from eisundsalzig, 10 cents for each ice cream go to Help Mada. Now we have received a large amount, which brings us closer to the start of the Namohana project.
Many donations in October
We would like to thank you for the numerous and generous donations in October! Every donation is currently collected especially for the start of the construction of the infirmary in Namohana.
October 2022
We collect donations for Namohana
Our most important and largest project is in the starting blocks: The infirmary in Namohana! For the construction we need a total of 75,905 Euros. We count on your support!
October 2022
New water pump and medical supplies
After our visit to the infirmary in Ambodimanga, we found that the water pump was defective and equipment had to be replaced. We donated $750 for the pump.
September 2022
Our trip to Madagascar in September 2022
Finally we could start our trip to Madagascar! The insights overwhelmed us: We were received with a lot of gratitude, but there is still a lot to do. There is more to read on our missions page.
May 2022
Travel to Madagascar in September
The time has finally come - the travel plans to Madagascar can be resumed. Due to the pandemic, these had to be postponed. In September, two of our German NGO members will travel to the projects on site and will report on their impressions and the current project status.
July 2022
German Brand Award 2022
We are proud to announce that our NGO has won two awards at the German Brand Award: Gold in the category Non-Governmental Organizations & Public Affairs and Special Mention as Newcomer of the Year! We would like to thank the German Design Council for this award and the financial support that made it possible for us to participate!
January 2022
Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft
We are now official signatories of the initiative and thus ensure a more transparent image of our association.
November 2021
New supporting partner!
S.I.E. Solution helped distribute our flyers at the Medica and Compamed fair 2021. We look forward to further support!
August 2021
Administrative work for Namohana is done
All formalities have been completed and construction work on our hospital ward project in Namohana can begin.
May 2021
5,000 Euros for the south of Madagascar!
Southern Madagascar is currently badly affected by the famine, which is why we have teamed up with the NGO Madagascar und Wir. Since their members are directly on site, our help could be implemented directly.
May 2021
2,200 Euros for electrification
With your donations we were able to equip 2 of our health stations with electricity, as no light was available for consultations in the evening. Thank you for your support!
April 2021
Construction work in Ambodimanga and Namohana
In our infirmary in Ambodimanga the roof was renewed and in Namohana there were changes to our building project through the exchange with the Malagasy government adjustments.
December 2020
We collected an 27.255 Euros in 2020!
We received incredible support from you last year and are overwhelmed from your response. A majority of the donation will be saved for our big project in Namohana.
December 2020
Every ice cream counts!
The bistro Eisundsalzig sells now its special handmade ice creams in German supermarkets. For every ice cream tub sold they donate 0.10 Euros directly to Help Mada. Thank you for your incredible support!
November 2020
New project has launched
Our newest project has started! In Namohana, a very rural area near Antalaha, we plan to establish a medical centre. More than 11,000 people will benefit from that activity. Most recently, administrative processes with the Ministry of Health have started.
September 2020
Your donation for mosquito nets and medical equipment
Malaria is a problem in Madagascar. Therefore, 250 mosquito nets and other medical tools (such as contactless thermometers in Corona times) were ordered. A total of 1,462.01 Euros from your donations were used for this. Thank you for each and every one of them!
August 2020
A total of 354 vaccinations in July
A total of 354 vaccinations have taken place in our existing medical stations in Ambodimanga and Antsahabe. Including tetanus, hepatitis B, measles and diphtheria vaccinations, for example.
July 2020
Your donation for medical tools!
We could already use your donation for new medical tools and spent a total amount of 1.359,75 Euros. The tools included scales, blood pressure monitors, birth tables, yardsticks and thermometers. Thank you!
July 2020
COVID-19 in Madagascar
The virus is approaching Madagascar as well. The city Antalaha, where many projects are happening, is currently safe. In Antananarivo there will be 1,000 cases this week. Stay safe!
July 2020
Outstanding amounts of donations!
We didn't expect that. Since our launch, we have already raised 10,930 Euros of donations! We will inform you very soon about exactly what your donation is used for.
May 2020
Postponed travel to Madagascar
Due to the current situation we cannot determine when our next travel to Madagascar will take place. We planned our next trip for April 2020. As soon as we will be able to travel again, we will find a new date.
May 2020
Our website is live
After many months of planning and conception we are able to announce that our website is now live. We are open for suggestions for improvement, but also like to hear positive responses.