

Transparency is particularly important to us. We therefore report on all that is happening around our non-profit association. Since the projects are very important to us, it is also relevant that 100% of your donations reach their goal and makes a difference. In addition to our news, you can find all the important information about Help Mada according to the specifications of the ITZ (Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft).


1 Name, registered office, address and year of foundation

Help Mada e. V. is a non-profit association founded in May 2020 with headquarters in Hamburg.

Help Mada e. V.
Holitzberg 145a
22417 Hamburg

Help Mada e. V. is registered in the Hamburg register of associations under the number VR 24361. ITZ contact person is CEO Michael Behr. This can be reached at the above address and email address.


2 Complete statutes and goals

You can download our statutes using the button.

Read more about our goals on “Mission”.


3 Information on tax breaks

Help Mada does not have to pay taxes due to the promotion of the public health system, development cooperation, as well as national and vocational education according to the exemption notice of the tax office Hamburg-Nord, tax number 17/430/17648 from 05/05/2020. According to German law §5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 KStG from the corporation tax and according to §3 No. 6 GewStG Help Mada is exempt from trade tax because it serves exclusively and directly tax-privileged, charitable purposes within the meaning of §§51 ff. AO.


4 Name and role of key decision-makers

Our team structure, including the role of key decision-makers, can be found here.


5 Activity report

You can find more information about our activities under the subpage “Projects”.


6 Pesonnel structure

Our team structure, including the role of key decision-makers, can be found here. Our voluntary team consists of:

  • Two chairmen

  • Seven club members


7 Information on the source of funds

(Annual financial statements 2020)

Information on the origin of funds can be found here.


8 Information on the use of funds

(Annual financial statements 2020)

Information on the use of funds can be found here.


9 Affiliation with third parties under corporate law

Help Mada e. V. operates independently and is not affiliated with other companies or associations under company law.


10 Names of legal entities whose annual payments represent more than 10% of the total donations

Help Mada e. V. received funding from the food company Nutramaxx Food GmbH in 2020, which accounted for more than 10 percent of annual donations.